--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import copy
+import difflib
+import email
+import email.policy
+import html
+import mailbox
+def join_whitespace(text):
+ return ' '.join(text.split())
+class TextBlockRange:
+ def __init__(self, message, start_pos_child, end_pos_child, pos_parent, is_quote):
+ self.message = message
+ # index into message body lines for reading text
+ self.start_pos_orig = start_pos_child
+ # start anchor index
+ self.start_pos_child = start_pos_child
+ # length in current context (0 after moving up)
+ self.length = end_pos_child - start_pos_child
+ # original length
+ self.length_orig = self.length
+ # points to parent anchor line (for quotes: line where the parent text starts; for non-quotes: line at which the text should be anchored, or None for top-posted text)
+ self.pos_parent = pos_parent
+ self.is_quote = is_quote
+ for line in self.message.lines.lines[self.start_pos_orig:self.start_pos_orig+self.length_orig]:
+ line.real_quote = True
+ # returns exclusive end
+ def end_pos_child(self):
+ return self.start_pos_child + self.length
+ def move_up_after(self, parent_block):
+ self.start_pos_child = parent_block.start_pos_child + parent_block.length
+ self.pos_parent = parent_block.pos_parent + (parent_block.length if parent_block.is_quote else 0)
+ self.length = 0
+ def move_up_at_head(self):
+ self.start_pos_child = -1
+ self.pos_parent = -1
+ self.length = 0
+ def split(self, split_pos):
+ split_off = split_pos - self.start_pos_child
+ assert(split_off > 0)
+ assert(split_off < self.length)
+ part2 = copy.copy(self)
+ self.length = split_off
+ self.length_orig = split_off
+ part2.start_pos_orig += split_off
+ part2.start_pos_child += split_off
+ part2.length -= split_off
+ part2.length_orig -= split_off
+ if self.is_quote:
+ part2.pos_parent += split_off
+ return part2
+ def get_text(self):
+ return '\n'.join(self.message.lines.plain_lines[self.start_pos_orig:self.start_pos_orig+self.length_orig])
+ def get_formatted(self):
+ pad = ' '*self.message.depth
+ header = pad + '<<< FROM '+self.message.from_hdr+' >>>, '+str(self.length_orig)+' lines\n'
+ return header + '\n'.join(map((lambda line: pad+line), self.message.lines.plain_lines[self.start_pos_orig:self.start_pos_orig+self.length_orig]))
+ def meta_origin_str(self):
+ # self.message.id ?
+ return str(self.start_pos_orig)+'-'+str(self.start_pos_orig+self.length_orig) + ' MSG ' + str(self.message.index) + ' FROM '+self.message.from_hdr
+ def dump_meta(self):
+ pad = ' '*self.message.depth
+ print(pad + self.meta_origin_str())
+ def trim_blanks_and_trailing_quote_header(self):
+ # first, trim blank lines at start/end...
+ while self.length_orig != 0 and self.message.lines.lines[self.start_pos_orig].empty:
+ self.start_pos_orig += 1
+ self.length_orig -= 1
+ while self.length_orig != 0 and self.message.lines.lines[self.start_pos_orig+self.length_orig-1].empty:
+ self.length_orig -= 1
+ # Check for usual english quote header text pattern (assuming single line)
+ if self.length_orig == 0:
+ return
+ last_line = self.message.lines.plain_lines[self.start_pos_orig+self.length_orig-1]
+ if last_line.lstrip().startswith('On ') and last_line.rstrip().endswith(':'):
+ # Check if next block is quote
+ check_pos = self.start_pos_orig + self.length_orig
+ print('######## LOOKS LIKE QUOTE: <<'+last_line+'>>')
+ while check_pos < len(self.message.lines.lines):
+ if self.message.lines.lines[check_pos].real_quote:
+ # is real quote, strip last line
+ self.length_orig -= 1
+ print(' IS QUOTE!')
+ break
+ if not self.message.lines.lines[check_pos].empty:
+ break
+ check_pos += 1
+ # trim blank lines before trailing header
+ while self.length_orig != 0 and self.message.lines.lines[self.start_pos_orig+self.length_orig-1].empty:
+ self.length_orig -= 1
+class TextBlockRangeset:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.ranges = []
+ def append(self, r):
+ if r.length_orig != 0:
+ self.ranges.append(r)
+ def import_rangeset(self, other_ranges):
+ print('import_rangeset()')
+ print(' own ranges:')
+ for r in self.ranges:
+ print(' '+str(r.start_pos_child)+'-'+str(r.end_pos_child())+' '+('quote' if r.is_quote else 'new'))
+ print(' import ranges:')
+ for r in other_ranges:
+ print(' '+str(r.pos_parent))
+ own_i = 0
+ for other_range in other_ranges:
+ print('importing element with pos_parent='+str(other_range.pos_parent))
+ while own_i != len(self.ranges) and other_range.pos_parent >= self.ranges[own_i].end_pos_child():
+ own_i += 1
+ if other_range.pos_parent == -1:
+ # for -1: copy up after all the other blocks with -1
+ other_range.move_up_at_head()
+ self.ranges.insert(own_i, other_range)
+ continue
+ # for pos_parent after the start of the current block, we need to split the current block
+ if own_i < len(self.ranges) and other_range.pos_parent > self.ranges[own_i].start_pos_child:
+ self.ranges.insert(own_i+1, self.ranges[own_i].split(other_range.pos_parent))
+ # insert position
+ own_i = own_i + 1
+ else:
+ # for pos_parent at/before the start of the current block, just insert at current cursor
+ own_i = own_i
+ other_range.move_up_after(self.ranges[own_i-1])
+ self.ranges.insert(own_i, other_range)
+ print(' own ranges after:')
+ for r in self.ranges:
+ print(' '+str(r.start_pos_child)+'-'+str(r.end_pos_child())+' '+('quote' if r.is_quote else 'new')+' '+r.meta_origin_str())
+ def drop_quotes(self):
+ self.ranges = list(filter(lambda r: not r.is_quote, self.ranges))
+ def trim_blocks(self):
+ for r in self.ranges:
+ r.trim_blanks_and_trailing_quote_header()
+ self.ranges = list(filter((lambda r: r.length_orig != 0), self.ranges))
+ def get_formatted(self):
+ return '\n'.join(map(lambda r: r.get_formatted(), self.ranges))
+ def dump_meta(self):
+ for r in self.ranges:
+ r.dump_meta()
+class Line:
+ def __init__(self, text):
+ self.text = text
+ nowhite = text.replace(' ', '').replace('\t', '')
+ nowhite_noquote = nowhite.lstrip('>')
+ self.maybe_quote = (len(nowhite)-len(nowhite_noquote) != 0)
+ self.real_quote = False
+ self.empty = len(nowhite_noquote) == 0
+ def as_hashable_inherited_line(self):
+ if not self.maybe_quote:
+ return '' # will be treated as junk
+ stripped = self.text.strip()
+ if stripped.startswith('>'):
+ stripped = stripped[1:].strip()
+ return join_whitespace(stripped)
+ def as_hashable_line(self):
+ return join_whitespace(self.text.strip())
+class Lines:
+ def __init__(self, text):
+ self.plain_lines = text.split('\n')
+ self.lines = list(map((lambda line: Line(line)), self.plain_lines))
+ def as_hashable_list(self):
+ return list(map(lambda line: line.as_hashable_line(), self.lines))
+ def as_hashable_inherited_list(self):
+ return list(map(lambda line: line.as_hashable_inherited_line(), self.lines))
+ def diff_to_parent(self, msg, parent):
+ sm = difflib.SequenceMatcher((lambda line: line == None or line == ''), parent.as_hashable_list(), self.as_hashable_inherited_list())
+ inherited_chunks = sm.get_matching_blocks()
+ #print(inherited_chunks)
+ blocks = TextBlockRangeset()
+ child_uninherited_start = 0
+ pos_parent = -1
+ for inherited_chunk in inherited_chunks:
+ #print('uninherited from '+str(child_uninherited_start)+' to '+str(inherited_chunk.b))
+ #print('\n'.join(self.plain_lines[child_uninherited_start:inherited_chunk.b]))
+ # we don't need to repeat this after the loop - the last range is guaranteed to have size 0
+ blocks.append(TextBlockRange(msg, child_uninherited_start, inherited_chunk.b, pos_parent, False))
+ blocks.append(TextBlockRange(msg, inherited_chunk.b, inherited_chunk.b+inherited_chunk.size, inherited_chunk.a, True))
+ child_uninherited_start = inherited_chunk.b + inherited_chunk.size
+ pos_parent = inherited_chunk.a + inherited_chunk.size
+ return blocks
+ def dump(self):
+ for line in self.lines:
+ print(('Q' if line.maybe_quote else ' ') + ' ' + line.text)
+class ThreadMessage:
+ def __init__(self, msg, index):
+ self.msg = msg
+ self.index = index
+ self.lines = Lines(msg.get_body(('plain',)).get_content())
+ self.id = msg.get('message-id', None)
+ self.from_hdr = msg.get('from', '?')
+ self.parent_id = msg.get('in-reply-to', None)
+ self.is_patch = msg.get('subject', '').startswith('[PATCH')
+ self.parent = None
+ self.children = []
+ self.blocks = None
+ self.depth = None
+ self.non_diff_root_descendants = 0
+ def is_diff_root(self):
+ return self.parent == None or self.is_patch
+ def dump_tree(self, level, topic_only):
+ print(' '*level + self.id + ' ' + ('PATCH' if self.is_patch else ' '))
+ for child in self.children:
+ if topic_only and child.is_patch:
+ continue
+ child.dump_tree(level+1, topic_only)
+ def init_diff_recursively(self):
+ print('init_diff_recursively')
+ if self.is_diff_root():
+ self.blocks = TextBlockRangeset()
+ self.blocks.append(TextBlockRange(self, 0, len(self.lines.lines), -1, False))
+ self.depth = 0
+ else:
+ self.blocks = self.lines.diff_to_parent(self, self.parent.lines)
+ self.depth = self.parent.depth + 1
+ if len(self.blocks.ranges) == 0:
+ raise Exception('empty rangeset?')
+ all_child_blocks = []
+ for child in self.children:
+ child.init_diff_recursively()
+ if not child.is_diff_root():
+ self.non_diff_root_descendants += 1 + child.non_diff_root_descendants
+ for block in child.blocks.ranges:
+ all_child_blocks.append(block)
+ all_child_blocks.sort(key=lambda block:block.pos_parent)
+ print('importing for '+self.id+' from '+self.from_hdr)
+ self.blocks.import_rangeset(all_child_blocks)
+ self.blocks.drop_quotes()
+ if self.is_diff_root():
+ # only do this for diff roots, at the end
+ self.blocks.trim_blocks()
+mbox = mailbox.mbox('t.mbox', factory=lambda x: email.message_from_binary_file(x, policy=email.policy.default))
+root_message = None
+messages_by_id = {}
+all_messages = []
+all_topic_roots = []
+message_index = 0
+for msg in mbox:
+ tmsg = ThreadMessage(msg, message_index)
+ message_index += 1
+ messages_by_id[tmsg.id] = tmsg
+ #print('have message "'+tmsg.id+'"')
+ all_messages.append(tmsg)
+ if tmsg.parent_id == None:
+ if root_message != None:
+ raise Exception('more than one root message')
+ root_message = tmsg
+ if tmsg.parent_id == None or tmsg.is_patch:
+ all_topic_roots.append(tmsg)
+if root_message == None:
+ raise Exception('no root message')
+for tmsg in all_messages:
+ #print('looking up message "'+tmsg.parent_id+'"')
+ if not tmsg.parent_id:
+ continue
+ if not tmsg.parent_id in messages_by_id:
+ raise Exception('missing intermediate message')
+ parent_tmsg = messages_by_id[tmsg.parent_id]
+ tmsg.parent = parent_tmsg
+ parent_tmsg.children.append(tmsg)
+# note: theoretically we can have loops in the "tree" at this point, but they'd
+# have to be unreachable from the root, so, meh, whatever
+#root_message.dump_tree(0, False)
+#for topic in all_topic_roots:
+# print('TOPIC: '+topic.msg.get('subject', ''))
+# topic.dump_tree(1, True)
+# print('')
+with open('/tmp/lkml-out.html', 'wt') as outfile:
+ outfile.write('<!DOCTYPE html>\n')
+ outfile.write('<html>\n')
+ outfile.write(' <head>\n')
+ outfile.write(' <title>Mehlbrei</title>\n')
+ outfile.write(' <style>\n')
+ outfile.write(' html {height: 100%;width:100%;margin:0px;}\n')
+ outfile.write(' body {display: flex;height: 100%;width:100%;margin:0px;}\n')
+ outfile.write(' #topic_panel {height: 100%; overflow:scroll;flex-shrink:0;}\n')
+ outfile.write(' #main_panel {height: 100%; overflow:scroll;flex-grow:2;}\n')
+ outfile.write(' .topic_link {display:block;}\n')
+ outfile.write(' .empty-topic {opacity: 0.5;}\n')
+ outfile.write(' .alt-content {display:none;}\n')
+ outfile.write(' :target.alt-content {display:block;}\n')
+ outfile.write(' .message-block-container {border: 1px solid black;}\n')
+ outfile.write(' .message-block-meta {font-style: italic; font-weight: bolder;}\n')
+ outfile.write(' .message-block-content {white-space: pre;}\n')
+ outfile.write(' </style>\n')
+ outfile.write(' </head>\n')
+ outfile.write(' <body>\n')
+ outfile.write(' <div id="topic_panel">\n')
+ outfile.write(' <h1>Topics</h1>\n')
+ for topic_root in all_topic_roots:
+ outfile.write(' <span class="topic_link'+(' empty-topic' if topic_root.non_diff_root_descendants == 0 else '')+'"><a href="#topic-'+str(topic_root.index)+'">'+html.escape(topic_root.msg.get('subject', '<no subject>'), quote=False)+'</a> ('+str(topic_root.non_diff_root_descendants)+' replies)</span>\n')
+ outfile.write(' </div>\n')
+ outfile.write(' <div id="main_panel">\n')
+ for topic_root in all_topic_roots:
+ outfile.write(' <div class="alt-content" id="topic-'+str(topic_root.index)+'">\n')
+ top_post_blocks = list(filter(lambda x: x.start_pos_child < 0, topic_root.blocks.ranges))
+ thread_post_blocks = list(filter(lambda x: x.start_pos_child >= 0, topic_root.blocks.ranges))
+ if len(top_post_blocks) != 0:
+ outfile.write(' <h1>Top-posted messages (sorry this looks like a mess)</h1>\n')
+ for block in top_post_blocks:
+ outfile.write(' <div class="message-block-container" style="margin-left:'+str(block.message.depth*4)+'em">\n')
+ outfile.write(' <div class="message-block-meta">'+html.escape(block.message.from_hdr, quote=False)+'</div>\n')
+ outfile.write(' <div class="message-block-content">'+html.escape(block.get_text(), quote=False)+'</div>\n')
+ outfile.write(' </div>\n')
+ outfile.write(' <h1>Actual thread</h1>\n')
+ for block in thread_post_blocks:
+ outfile.write(' <div class="message-block-container" style="margin-left:'+str(block.message.depth*4)+'em">\n')
+ outfile.write(' <div class="message-block-meta">'+html.escape(block.message.from_hdr, quote=False)+'</div>\n')
+ outfile.write(' <div class="message-block-content">'+html.escape(block.get_text(), quote=False)+'</div>\n')
+ outfile.write(' </div>\n')
+ outfile.write(' </div>\n')
+ outfile.write(' </div>\n')
+ outfile.write(' </body>\n')
+ outfile.write('</html>\n')