14 #include <sys/prctl.h>
16 // 64k RAM aren't really that much, and it should speed things up significantly
17 #define OBULEN (64*1024)
18 static char outbuf[OBULEN] = "Status: 200 here's your listing"
19 "\nX-Frame-Options: DENY"
20 "\nContent-Type: text/plain;charset=utf8"
25 prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 1); // FIXME XXX potential security problem; disable later!
26 if (chdir("/")) senderr("chdir / failed", MYFAULT);
28 char *encpath = getenv("QUERY_STRING");
29 login_and_setup(); // will clear the environment
30 if (encpath == NULL) senderr("no query string received", NOTMYFAULT);
32 // OK, we're authenticated. Drop our fsuid to the user's.
33 // Yes, there's no error indication apart from this kludge. Sucks.
34 setfsuid(session.uid);
35 if (setfsuid(session.uid) != session.uid) senderr("setfsuid failed", MYFAULT);
37 // Do what the user wants us to do.
38 char path[strlen(encpath)/2+1];
39 unhex((unsigned char *)path, encpath, strlen(encpath));
40 path[strlen(encpath)/2] = 0;
43 snprintf(errstr, 128, "can't access that path: %s", strerror(errno));
44 senderr(errstr, NOTMYFAULT);
46 DIR *dir = opendir(".");
49 snprintf(errstr, 128, "can't open that path for reading: %s", strerror(errno));
50 senderr(errstr, NOTMYFAULT);
53 // ok, let's do fast output!
54 // The directory was opened successfully - send our success header.
55 char *p = outbuf+strlen(outbuf);
57 // send one line per file
60 while ((dent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
61 if (p+LINE_LENGTH_LIMIT >= outbuf+OBULEN) {
62 // Whoah, that's a big directory!
64 write(1, outbuf, p-outbuf);
65 // And reuse the buffer.
69 // if we can't really see the file anyway, skip it
70 if (lstat(dent->d_name, &st)) continue;
71 //printf("%s %lu %u\n", encfilename, (unsigned long)st.st_size, (unsigned int)st.st_mode);
72 size_t name_len = strlen(dent->d_name);
73 hex(p, (unsigned char *)dent->d_name, name_len);
76 p += fmt_ulong(p, (unsigned long)st.st_size);
78 p += fmt_ulong(p, (unsigned int)st.st_mode);
83 write(1, outbuf, p-outbuf);